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Martin Roland

Professor Martin Roland CBE

Fellow Emeritus; Emeritus Fellow in Health Services Research; Ambassador for The Women's Art Collection

Social media

I was delighted when I was elected as a Fellow of Murray Edwards, a modern college with none of the stuffiness of some of Cambridge’s older colleges. I fully support the College’s aims to provide top quality education to outstanding young women and to promote the place of women in society more generally. One of these is through our leading collection of contemporary women’s art in Europe, The Women's Art Collection, which showcases the exceptional achievements of women artists.

Degrees and honours

  • DM (Oxon)
  • CBE

Research interests

  • Health services research.
  • Developing methods of measuring quality of healthcare.
  • Evaluating ways of improving the quality of healthcare.


Professor Martin Roland trained in clinical medicine at the University of Oxford, where he obtained a first class honours degree and his doctorate. He moved to the Chair in General Practice in the University of Manchester in 1992. In 2009, he moved to the Chair of Health Services Research at the University of Cambridge where he founded and directed the until his retirement in 2016. Professor Roland’s main areas of research interest are developing methods of measuring quality of care, and evaluating interventions to improve care. Professor Roland was a practising GP from 1979 to 2013. He was appointed CBE for services to medicine in 2003. 

Authored work

  • Lewis R, Checkland K, Durand M, Ling T, Mays N, Roland M, Smith J. Integrated care in England – what can we learn from a decade of national pilot programmes? International Journal of Integrated Care 2021;21(S2):5 


    Morales D, Minchin M, Kontopantelis E, Roland M, Sutton M, Guthrie B. Estimated impact from the withdrawal of primary care financial incentives on selected indicators of quality of care in Scotland: controlled interrupted time series analysis BMJ 2023;380:e072098 


    Pereira Gray D, Freeman G, Roland M. Covid 19: a fork in the road for general practice: we must choose a personal not an impersonal future (editorial). BMJ 2020; 370:m3709


    Roland M, Everington S, Marshall M. Social Prescribing – Transforming the Relationship between Physicians and their Patients. New England Journal of Medicine 2020; 383: 97-99 


    Roland M. General practice by smartphone: ‘GP at Hand’ risks destabilising care for patients with the greatest needs. BMJ 2019; 366: l4713.


    Minchin M, Roland M, Richardson J, Rowark S, Guthrie B. Quality of care in the United Kingdom after removal of financial incentives. New England Journal of Medicine 2018; 379: 948-57


    ​Roland M, Olesen F. Can pay for performance be used to improve the quality of primary care? What other countries can learn from the UK’s experience with the Quality and Outcomes Framework. BMJ 2016; 354: i4058


    Roland M, Everington S. Tackling the crisis in general practice: if general practice fails, the whole NHS fails. BMJ 2016; 352: i942  


    Wallace E, Smith S, Fahey T, Roland M. Reducing emergency admissions through community-based interventions. BMJ 2016; 352: h6817


    Roberts M, Campbell J, Abel G, Davey A, Elmore N, Maramba I, Carter M, Elliott M, Roland M, Burt J. Understanding high and low patient experience scores in primary care: analysis of patients’ survey data for general practices and individual doctors BMJ  2014; 349: g6034 


    Kristensen SR, Meacock R, Turner AJ, Boaden R, McDonald R, Roland M, Sutton M. Long-term effect of hospital pay for performance on mortality in England. New England Journal of Medicine 2014; 371(6): 540-8


    Roland M, Campbell S. Successes and Failures of the United Kingdom’s Pay for Performance Program. New England Journal of Medicine 2014; 370:1944-1949


    Roland, M, Paddison, C.  Better management of patients with multimorbidity. BMJ 2013; 346: f2510


    Sutton, M, Nikolova, S, Boaden, R, Lester, H, McDonald, R, Roland, M Reduced mortality with hospital pay for performance in England. New England Journal of Medicine 2012 367: 1821-8
